

  • November 16, 2019: Fall 2019 Scholars Luncheon
    Join us at the Carolina Inn from 12:00-1:30pm to catch up with scholars and Trustees! RSVP to Helen Parker (


  • November 4, 2017: Fall Scholars Luncheon
    It was wonderful seeing everyone for our annual luncheon at the Carolina Inn! Many thanks to the Trustees for continuing this tradition.
    Pictured, left to right: Dennis Organ, Josh Boone, Angela Spruill, Helen Parker, Melanie-Lark Benning, Jiona Mills, Gil Stallings, Diane KuehnFall 2017 Luncheon group
  • October 1, 2016: Fall Scholars Luncheon
    The Fall 2016 Alston-Pleasants Scholars Luncheon was held on
    Saturday, October 1, 2016 from 12:00 – 1:30pm in the Piedmont Room of the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill. Lunch was provided, compliments of the Trustees. Thank you to all who were able to attend!
    Pictured left to right: Gil Stallings, Jennifer Lundholm, Josh Boone, Jazmin Alston, Angela Spruill, Debbie Daniel, Helen Parker, Steven Weatherspoon, Diane Kuehn, Dennis Organ.2016-fall-luncheon_10-01-16
  • April 5, 2014: Spring Scholars Luncheon
    We had a wonderful time at Bellamy Manor & Gardens in Enfield, NC for our Spring 2014 Scholars Luncheon!
    2014 Spring Luncheon_04.05.14_1_cropped
  • September 14, 2013: Fall Scholars Luncheon
    The Fall 2013 Alston-Pleasants Scholars Luncheon was held on
    September 14, 2013 from 12:30 – 2:00pm at the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill. Unfortunately, we do not have a picture at this time, but thank you to those who attended!
  • April 6, 2013: Alston-Pleasants Community Spring Event What a wonderful Spring day! In keeping with tradition, the Trustees met with members of the Alston-Pleasants Community during the Spring Event at Cherry Hill Plantation in Inez, NC on April 6, 2013. Pictured (Left to Right): Alice Faye Hunter, Melanie-Lark Benning, Angela Spruill, Patricia Scott, Spencer Scott,Tomarra Hall, Helen N. Parker, Spencer Scott, Connie Hedgepeth, Patrick Raiford, Denise Scott, Mary Brody Raiford, Rolanda Hedgepeth, and Debbie A. Daniel.
  • September 21, 2012: Alston-Pleasants Scholars Fall Luncheon Fall is in the air! In keeping with tradition, the Trustees met with current Scholars during the Alston-Pleasants Scholars Fall Luncheon at the Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill, NC on September 21, 2012. This was a great opportunity to meet other Alston-Pleasants Scholars, learn more about Miss Missouri, gain information about the scholar selection process and share experiences with other members of the Alston-Pleasants Community. Pictured (Left to Right): Debbie A. Daniel, Helen N. Parker, Samuel D. Nixon, Meghan Howard, J. Gilbert Stallings, Maria Aguilar Noyola, Allison Blackburn, and Dan Thornton.

  • April 21, 2012: Alston-Pleasants Community Spring Event The weather was perfect for the Alston-Pleasants Community Spring Event at The Person Place in Louisburg, NC on April 21, 2012. This was a great opportunity to interact with other Alston-Pleasants Scholars, learn more about Miss Missouri and share experiences with members of the Alston-Pleasants Community. In addition to the Alston-Pleasants Post-Graduate Scholars Fund Trustees, the event was attended by a number of Alston-Pleasants Scholars, the Warren County Clerk of Court and three generations of Miss Missouri’s family.
    Pictured from left to right are: Patricia Scott (Great-Niece of Miss Missouri), J. Gilbert Stallings (APPGSF Trustee) and Spencer Scott.

  • Sept 24, 2011: Alston-Pleasants Scholars Fall LuncheonThe Trustees met with current Scholars during the Alston-Pleasants Scholars Fall Luncheon at the Caroline Inn in Chapel Hill, NC on September 24, 2011. This was a great opportunity to meet other Alston-Pleasants Scholars, learn more about Miss Missouri and share experiences with other members of the Alston-Pleasants Community. Pictured from left to right are: Angela Spruill, Helen N. Parker, Debbie A. Daniel, Meghan Howard, Albert Jay Richardson, Maria Aruilar Noyola, Allison Blackburn, J. Gilbert Stallings and Georgia Blair Stephenson Kuplic.

  • May 21, 2011: Tea with the Trustees
    Members of the Alston-Pleasants community gathered at Timeless Tea in Roanoke Rapids, NC on May 21, 2011. Participants pictured from left to right are: Jennifer Lundholm, Helen N. Parker, Albert Jay Richardson, Patricia Scott (Great-Niece of Miss Missouri), Debbie A. Daniel, Betsy Burnett Benning, J. Gilbert Stallings, Melanie-Lark Benning, Georgia Blair Stephenson Kuplic and Spencer Scott.